Objectives of the High School Level

At the completion of the High School Course, the Sienans will be able to:

  1. Witness in his/her daily life a dynamic love of God, a sense of personal worth and respect for others to enable him/her to relate harmoniously and effectively with his/her family, school and community;
  2. Strive to search the Truth through assiduous study and reflection on the sources of Christian faith;
  3. Enrich his/her life through an appreciation and love for our national heritage and of the good, the true and the beautiful;
  4. Develop his/her intellectual capacity, right sense of values, skills and habits necessary to succeed in college and to meet challenges of progress around him/her;
  5. Identify his/her vocational aptitude and choice of career and develop them to help him/her become a worthy and effective member of the home and the community;
  6. Show refinement in language and manner as befitting a young citizen;
  7. manifest physical fitness, discipline and endurance to meet the demands of a changing society;
  8. Respond generously and actively to the needs of his/her fellowmen especially during times of calamities and disasters; and
  9. Develop their technical and vocational skills that would prepare them for work in the future
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