Integrated Basic Education Department
At the heart of our thinking is our desire to give prominence to the formation of mature professionals. Through this, we acknowledge that our disposition towards setting quality standards has its principal focus on academic excellence and good values in the educational scenario. We believe that competence among our clientele is widely encompassing and that challenges are inevitable in tshe process, thus management of teaching and learning is a serious matter.

Pre-K and Kindergarten
Objectives of the Kindergarten Level
Children in KINDERGARTEN are expected and are trained in simple developmental tasks that prepare them adequately for their first formal education.
At the end of the KINDERGARTEN training, the child will be able to—
- manifest love and respect for God the Father;
- show love and respect for parents, brothers and sisters, elders and fellow children;
- think and do‖ independently within the limit of one’s maturity;
- recognize and count numbers correctly, at least 1 to 50/ 1 to 100;
- recognize and sound off correctly the letters of alphabet, symbols and simple words in Filipino and English;
- practice desirable health habits at home and in school;
- express oneself correctly and respond to simple questions in a proper manner;
- manifest a psychomotor coordination for effective performance of simple assigned tasks befitting one’s age;
- show creativity and talents in his participation and active involvement in activities related to the arts.

Grade School (Grade 1 to 6)
Objectives of the Grade School Level
At the completion of the ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, the Sienans will be able to:
- Acquire basic holistic formation with respect to their ultimate goal;
- Strive to search the Truth through assiduous study and reflection on the sources of Christian faith;
- Show refinement in language and manner as befitting a young citizen;
- Manifest more readiness to contribute the best of what they are and what they can do for God, for their country and for their fellowmen;
- Acquire the basic skills and knowledge which will make him/her academically prepared for high school;
- Apply the basic skills and knowledge in other disciplines and real-life situations;
- Respond to the needs of the community.


Junior High School (Grade 7 to 10)
Objectives of the Junior High School Level
At the completion of the High School Course, the Sienans will be able to:
- Witness in his/her daily life a dynamic love of God, a sense of personal worth and respect for others to enable him/her to relate harmoniously and effectively with his/her family, school and community;
- Strive to search the Truth through assiduous study and reflection on the sources of Christian faith;
- Enrich his/her life through an appreciation and love for our national heritage and of the good, the true and the beautiful;
- Develop his/her intellectual capacity, right sense of values, skills and habits necessary to succeed in college and to meet challenges of progress around him/her;
- Identify his/her vocational aptitude and choice of career and develop them to help him/her become a worthy and effective member of the home and the community;
- Show refinement in language and manner as befitting a young citizen;
- Manifest physical fitness, discipline and endurance to meet the demands of a changing society;
- Respond generously and actively to the needs of his/her fellowmen especially during times of calamities and disasters; and
- Develop their technical and vocational skills that would prepare them for work in the future
Senior High School (Grade 11 to 12)
Core Subjects
a. Language
– Oral Communication
– Reading & Writing
– Komunikasyon at Pananaliksik sa Wika at Kuturang Pilipino
– Pagbasa at Pagsusuri ng Iba’t Ibang Teksto sa Pananaliksik
b. Humanities
– 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World
– Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions
c. Communication
– Media & Information Literacy
d. Mathematics
– General Mathematics
– Statistics & Probability
e. Science
– Earth and Life Science (Lecture and Laboratory)/Earth Science
– Physical Science (Lecture and Laboratory)/Disaster Readiness &
– Risk Reduction
f. Social Science
– Personal Development / Pansariling Kaunlaran
– Understanding Culture, Society and Politics g. Philosophy
– Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person / Pambungad sa Pilosopiya ng Tao
h. Physical Education and Health
i. Christian Living
Applied Subjects
a. Academic, Technical-Vocational-Livelihood, Sports, Arts & Designs Tracks
– English for Academic and Professional Purposes
– Practical Research 1
– Practical Research 2
– Filipino sa Piling Larangan (Akademik, Isports at Tech-Voc)
– Empowerment Technologies (for the Strand)
– Entrepreneurship
– Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion

Specialized Subjects
a. Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) Strand
– Applied Economics
– Business Ethics and Social Responsibility
– Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business and Management 1
– Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business and Management 2
– Business Math
– Business Finance
– Organization and Management
– Principles of Marketing
– Work Immersion/ Research/ Career Advocacy/ Culminating Activity
b. Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Strand
– Pre-Calculus
– Basic Calculus
– General Biology 1
– General Biology 2
– General Physics 1
– General Physics 2
– General Chemistry 1
– General Chemistry 2
– Capstone
Specialized Subjects
c. Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) Strand
– Creative Writing / Malikhaing Pagsulat
– Creative Non-Fiction
– Introduction to World Religions and Belief Systems
– Trends, Networks and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century
– Philippine Politics and Governance
– Community Engagement, Solidarity, and Citizenship
– Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences
– Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences
– Work Immersion/ Research/ Career Advocacy/ Culminating Activity
d. Tech-Voc
– Home Economics
Food and Beverage
Bread and Pastry
– Travel Services
Attraction and Theme Parks Operations with Ecotourism
Local Guiding Services
– Information and Communications Technology
Computer System Servicing
Computer Programming
