Guidance Services

The Guidance Services Center focus practically on all sectors of the SCT Community. Its vital role starts the moment a student or personnel choose to be member of the institution until the time he / she leaves. In the course of one’s stay with the school, the center prepared various services which are essential to his integral growth and development. In like manner, the center extends its assistance to the parents of its clientele and even to he adopted and peripheral localities whenever necessary.

It is in this context that the administration of SCT in full support and recognition of all activities, projects, services, researches and staff development for the Guidance Center.

These programs / services are categorized as follows:

  1. Counseling Services
  2. Orientation Services
  3. Career / Occupational Services
  4. Admission and Recruitment Services
  5. Cumulative Record Services
  6. Information Services
  7. Testing Services
  8. Research and Evaluation Services
  9. Skills Training Development
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